24 August 1914
Yesterday, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Yoshihito of Japan declared war on Germany, escalating what had hitherto been a conflict between European nations. The Emperor’s proclamation reads as follows:詔書
朕ハ深ク現時欧洲戦乱ノ殃禍ヲ憂ヒ専ラ局外中立ヲ恪守シ以テ東洋ノ平和ヲ保持スルヲ念トセリ此ノ時ニ方リ独逸国ノ行動ハ遂ニ朕ノ同盟国タル大不列顛国ヲシ テ戦端ヲ開クノ已ムナキニ至ラシメ其ノ租借地タル膠州湾ニ於テモ亦日夜戦備ヲ修メ其ノ艦艇荐ニ東亜ノ海洋ニ出没シテ帝国及与国ノ通商貿易為ニ威圧ヲ受ケ極 東ノ平和ハ正ニ危殆ニ瀕セリ是ニ於テ朕ノ政府ト大不列顛国皇帝陛下ノ政府トハ相互隔意ナキ協議ヲ遂ケ両国政府ハ同盟協約ノ予期セル全般ノ利益ヲ防護スルカ 為必要ナル措置ヲ執ルニ一致シタリ朕ハ此ノ目的ヲ達セムトスルニ当リ尚努メテ平和ノ手段ヲ悉サムコトヲ欲シ先ツ朕ノ政府ヲシテ誠意ヲ以テ独逸帝国政府ニ勧 告スル所アラシメタリ然レトモ所定ノ期日ニ及フモ朕ノ政府ハ終ニ其ノ応諾ノ回牒ヲ得ルニ至ラス
Imperial Rescript
We, by the Grace of Heaven, Emperor of Japan, on the throne occupied by the same Dynasty from time immemorial, do hereby make the following proclamation to all Our loyal and brave subjects: We, hereby, declare war against Germany and We command Our Army and Navy to carry on hostilities against that Empire with all their strength, and We also command all Our competent authorities to make every effort in pursuance of their respective duties to attain the national aim within the limit of the law of nations.
Since the outbreak of the present war in Europe, the calamitous effect of which We view with grave concern, We, on our part, have entertained hopes of preserving the peace of the Far East by the maintenance of strict neutrality, but the action of Germany has at length compelled Great Britain, Our Ally, to open hostilities against that country, and Germany is at Kiao-chau, its leased territory in China, busy with warlike preparations, while her armed vessels, cruising the seas of Eastern Asia, are threatening Our commerce and that of Our Ally. The peace of the Far East is thus in jeopardy. Accordingly, Our Government, and that of His Britannic Majesty, after a full and frank communication with each other, agreed to take such measures as may be necessary for the protection of the general interests contemplated in the Agreement of Alliance, and We on Our part, being desirous to attain that object by peaceful means, commanded Our Government to offer, with sincerity, an advice to the Imperial German Government. By the last day appointed for the purpose, however, Our Government failed to receive an answer accepting their advice.
It is with profound regret that We, in spite of Our ardent devotion to the cause of peace, are thus compelled to declare war, especially at this early period of Our reign and while we are still in mourning for Our lamented Mother.
It is Our earnest wish that, by the loyalty and valour of Our faithful subjects, peace may soon be restored and the glory of the Empire be enhanced.
23 August, Year 3 of the Taishō era
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His Imperial Majesty Emperor Yoshihito |
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